Flowscape Image: American Heroes 2020

American Heroes 2020 As most of us glumly hunker down, abiding by stay-at-home directives and practicing social distancing, healthcare professionals throughout the world bravely continue to fight for our lives. Here’s a small tribute to our American Heroes. Stay safe … Continue reading

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T’was the Month Before Christmas

This is another short Flowscape animation for the holiday season. Enjoy.   … Continue reading

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Here’s a quick, cute, and creepy FlowScape animation I threw together, just in time for Halloween. Enjoy.   … Continue reading

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A Gathering on Meerkat Isle

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve taken a somewhat long break from posting new content. Unfortunately, time, energy and circumstances have not been good friends with me during this recent year, so my productivity had come to a bit of … Continue reading

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