I’ve been puttering around with computer graphics for about 20 years now (which is about how long it can feel like when you’re waiting for an image to finish rendering). I discovered the world of ray tracing in the 1990′s when I was rocking along with a $3000 25MHz IBM 386 clone that I had picked up at a swap meet and tricked out with a Cyrix math co-processor and 2MB of RAM. Yes, being a computer geek was incredibly expensive back then.
During the years since then, I’ve lost (literally) years of work to multiple hard drive crashes, failed floppies, CD’s, DVDs, and obsolete backup equipment (anyone remember the Colorado Tape Backup system?). Luckily I’ve been able to locate an assortment of some of my early adventures in ray tracing on various websites and assorted old CD’s.
Please don’t laugh (if and) when you look at them. I’m telling ya, this was hot stuff, back in the day.