These fractal spirals were created with Ultrafractal. The images are a small sampling of fractal renderings that were incorporated into my first animated fractal video.
As I’ve noted before, the Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POVRay) is quite exceptional at visualizing mathematical functions. This raytraced, kaleidoscopic animation was a test of a DOS utility that I wrote that would generate scripts for rendering spirals. If interested, you can download the program here.
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POVRay) is a fantastic vehicle for visualizing mathematical functions. If you’re not familiar with raytracers, you should definitely check it out. POVRay enables you to render three-dimensional images based on objects that you describe using a simple scripting language.
This animation was a fun experiment that explored POVRay’s sine function and includes some funky sound effects.
This Persistence of Vision (POVRay) animation was designed to loop indefinitely, but only a single loop is played here. Rendered on a 386DX clone, this was my first fully realized raytraced animation – complete with audio.
You’re looking at history folks!
In the waning days of MSDOS, I wrote a few utility programs in the hopes of becoming a shareware millionaire. These programs were primarily script generators for the DKB/POVRay ( and Vivid raytracers.
Needless to say, I’m not a millionaire. Nor thousandaire. Nor even a hundredaire. So that didn’t work out very well. [insert sad face here]
Be that as it may, if you’re into collecting obsolete programs, for whatever reasons, feel free to download them here:
- CTDS – a “connect the dots system” for generating POVRay scripts that connect spheres with cylinders and cones: Download here or at
- FWHEEL – a “fractal wheel” application that generates scripts for a sort of 3D spirograph effect: Download here or at
- SPIRAL v2.2 – a program for generating scripts that produce raytraced spirals of spheres: Download here or