HDR Photography

One year I was obsessively fascinated with High Dynamic Range photography (HDR). HDR is a technique where you increase the dynamic range between the lightest and the darkest colors of an image by combining multiple exposures, supposedly making the image appear closer to reality than what the limited dynamic range of standard photography can achieve.

Closer? I don’t think so. But then I probably wasn’t doing it right.

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Catching a Wave

Catching a Wave

My kids were having fun at the beach one day and it inspired me to make something special out of the moment. This only took about three hours to create. Trivia: both hands are just my left hand mirrored, and the pouring water is courtesy of my bathroom faucet.

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POVRay Animation: Ubiety Series

Ubiety is defined as “the state of existing and being localized in space.”

Ubiety is a series of raytraced animation loops that I created for the primarily purpose of killing time while I did other non-computer-related stuff that needed to be done. While contemplating the initial design of this series, I determined that I wanted to create something that reflected a simple, yet global sense of existence and localization, without hypostatizing the contempoary fallacy of quantity over quality. Realizing the success of this goal, unfortunately, was it’s inherent failure.

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This is my Mii on the Wii. Chill looking little dude, isn’t he!

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Ultra Fractal Animation: Fractal Func (2008)

This was my first experimentation with animating 3D fractals, and also the first video that I was brave enough to post on YouTube. Little did I know how overwhelming the response would not be [insert sad face here].

Actually, I thought it was pretty nice for a first effort. All of the fractals were created with Ultra Fractal the music was composed with FLStudio. The fractals themselves are not truly “3D” but just look like it.

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