Mandelbulb3D Animation: Razors, Rocks and Rails (2011)

Based on work by Daniel White and Paul Nylander, Jesse and a group of FractalForums contributors developed a free 3d fractal rendering software known as Mandelbulb3D. This program enables you to explore fractal objects interactively and render them with raytraced quality.

This video was my first effort at creating a Mandelbulb3D animation. Rendering all of the frames took about month to complete, and another month was spent composing the music and post-processing the video and audio.

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Ray Traced Image: Dude! Does It Hurt?

Here’s an unfortunate raytraced robot with a messed-up face. Poor guy.


Early Development
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Musical Improvement

Yeah, yeah, I know it’s not “Grafix”, but hey …

I’ve been messing around with FL Studio since 2001, beginning with version 3 of what used to be FruityLoops. I bought a legal lifetime license not too many years after that. When I first started playing with FL Studio, I didn’t know a thing about music theory or composition (and to be quite honest – I still don’t). But I do believe that I’ve made a tiny bit of improvement over the past decade.

I created this song (if you can call it that) with FruityLoops v3.0 back in 2001:


I wrote this with FL Studio v9.1 last year (2010):

The One She Likes

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POVRay Animation: Unfinished Heater Project

Here are two slow fly-by animations of a strange high-tech heater created with POVRay. Sorry folks, no audio. These were supposed to eventually include many other super-cool, super-exciting objects and characters, but I got sidetracked.

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Flash Animation: Mr. Recycle


This is the one and only Flash animation I’ve created to date. It was modeled and rendered with Swift3D. Mr. Recycle is a mascot of the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works Bureau of Sanitation. He was designed by a 3rd grader back in 2003 by way of a slogan contest sponsored by the bureau.

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